
If you go down to the woods in May, or April, you might find some bluebells. They are one of the first flowers to appear that show that spring is here. When you find a lovely carpet of them and the sun on the right position, it makes for a lovely photograph. I went down to one of the woods near me with a photographer friend early one April morning and we were greeted with lovely display. They weren’t fully in bloom when I captured this, but they weren’t far off. It’s been nearly a month since I took this, so they won’t be looking their best now, not helped that many people would have trampled all over them. You see bluebells are delicate things and once an area looses bluebells, it takes years for them to recover. So, next time try not to trample over them too much because next year they might not be there. We all want to enjoy them for years to come 🙂

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