• Brill

    This is Brill Windmill, which is situated in a little Oxfordshire village called Brill. I spent a Saturday afternoon here with a photographer friend. When we arrived in the village, the sky was blue with a few clouds. After a late lunch at the local pub, the grey clouds had arrived, perfect for taking long …

  • Cathedral

    Cathedrals can be imposing but beautiful buildings. The architecture is stunning, as is the work that went in to build them. I’m not a religous person, but I do like visiting these buildings and marvelling at what it must of taken to build. Salisbury Cathedral is just as beautiful and imposing as the other cathedrals …

  • Radcliffe Camera

    This is one of the most famous buildings in Oxford, the Radcliffe Camera is part of the Oxford University and the Bodleian Library. It holds many books and is not accessible to the general public, you have to be a student or work for the University to be given access. The stars in the photo …

  • Black and White Snowdrop

    This was taken a few months ago when the snowdrops were in bloom. I’ve posted pictures of other snowdrops here but thought I’d experiment with black and white for this shot. Its turned out quite well and I really like this shot.

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