• Radcliffe Camera

    This is one of the most famous buildings in Oxford, the Radcliffe Camera is part of the Oxford University and the Bodleian Library. It holds many books and is not accessible to the general public, you have to be a student or work for the University to be given access. The stars in the photo …

  • Where there’s smoke…

    … there’s not always fire. The smoke here is from an incense stick against a black background. You see for a long time I’ve wanted to take pictures of smoke that you often see in photography magazines or on various websites, but never got round to to for various reasons. Until recently that is. You’d …

  • Monument Valley Panorama

    Was going back through my archives, whilst sorting out some pictures to show to family, I came across this photo that I haven’t posted here. This was taken 3 years ago whilst driving round Monument Valley in Utah. It was a stunning place to visit and somewhere I’d like to visit again and maybe get …

  • Star Trails

    Recently I bought a remote release for my camera to experiment with time lapse and stacking photos. This photo is the result of spending a few hours at a local dark spot to experiment with taking hundreds of 30 second photos then using a piece of free software to stack them into 1 photo. I …

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