• Didcot Demolition

    From the title of this post you’d think that this was a photo of the demolition of Didcot. Some may argue that’s not a bad thing, but this post is about the demolition of 3 out of 6 chimneys from Didcot Power Station. The power station shut down back in 2013 and it took almost …

  • Brill

    This is Brill Windmill, which is situated in a little Oxfordshire village called Brill. I spent a Saturday afternoon here with a photographer friend. When we arrived in the village, the sky was blue with a few clouds. After a late lunch at the local pub, the grey clouds had arrived, perfect for taking long …

  • Rollright Stones

    The Rollright Stones, in Oxfordshire, are steeped in mystery. Some say these stones are Knights of the King turned to stone by a witch, many, many, years ago. I like a good myth associated with somewhere ancient and there are plenty where I come from. I spent the afternoon with a friend at these stones …

  • Dreamy

    There are quite a few snowdrops, now well established in the garden. I’ve taken lots of shots of individual snowdrops in the past that I thought I’d do something different this time and take a close up of several snowdrops that are growing in a clump. This photo is a lot better with the sun …

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