• Flammable

    This was taken at Rutherford Appleton Labatorays, when they organised a day for photographers to go in and photograph parts of the site. Looking at this image, I can’t work out or remember what angle I took it at. I think that’s the beauty of viewing this image.

  • W11

    Now lets sing: “Portobello road, Portobello road Street where the riches of ages are stowed. Anything and everything a chap can unload Is sold off the barrow in Portebello road. You’ll find what you want in the Portebello road.” As depicted in the Disney film “Bedknobs and Broomsticks” is a market street with lots of …

  • The Beach

    HDR image of the words “The Beach” that had been sprayed onto a bit of concrete that was underneath a pier in Bournemouth, UK.

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