• Black and White Snowdrop

    This was taken a few months ago when the snowdrops were in bloom. I’ve posted pictures of other snowdrops here but thought I’d experiment with black and white for this shot. Its turned out quite well and I really like this shot.

  • Purple Flower

    Been playing about in the garden again, taking more macro shots of the flowers that are blooming. Not sure what flower this is but it looked lovely next to the last of the snowdrops.

  • Daffodil

    Going a bit crazy taking photos of flowers in the back garden, but there are quite a few to choose from, so I expect there will be more to come yet. This was taken in the morning when we had a cold night and you can see the dewdrops on the petals.

  • Snowdrop

    This was taken early on a frosty morning, about an hour after the sun had risen in the sky. We had a frost that morning and once the sun started to shine on the flowers, the frost started to melt and made for nice macro images like the one above. This was taken lying down …

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