• Iron man

    I was in Liverpool recently to attend the wedding reception of my cousin who recently got married in Greece (Congrats again guys!). I also decided to spend a few extra days there, after the reception, to take a few snaps for this blog. The weather wasn’t the best there, seems the best day I had …

  • On the way

    It’s been a while since I last updated this with a photo. I haven’t been out with the camera for a while either, so I thought I’d post another photo from my archives. This one was taken on the drive to Monument Valley in Utah. This was taken at the side of the road, whilst …

  • Rollright Stones

    The Rollright Stones, in Oxfordshire, are steeped in mystery. Some say these stones are Knights of the King turned to stone by a witch, many, many, years ago. I like a good myth associated with somewhere ancient and there are plenty where I come from. I spent the afternoon with a friend at these stones …

  • Cathedral

    Cathedrals can be imposing but beautiful buildings. The architecture is stunning, as is the work that went in to build them. I’m not a religous person, but I do like visiting these buildings and marvelling at what it must of taken to build. Salisbury Cathedral is just as beautiful and imposing as the other cathedrals …

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